Provisions relating to Executive Director
Appointment of Executive Director (ED):
• The Committee shall appoint person who has qualification as prescribed to the office of ED to act as the administrative chief of the Board.
• The term of office of the ED shall be Five years.
• If the ED fails to discharge his or her official duties, does any act contrary to the interests of the Board or suffers any bad conduct or fails to act in consonance with the direction given by the Committee, the Committee may, at any time, remove him or her from the office of ED in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
• Prior to so removing him or her from the office, the ED shall not be deprived of a reasonable opportunity to defend him self or herself.
• The remuneration, facilities and other terms and conditions of service of the ED shall be as prescribed.
Functions, duties and powers of the Executive Director:
The functions, duties and powers of the ED shall be as follows:
(a) To implement the decisions and directions of the Committee,
(b) Prepare long-term and short-term programm,
(c) Implement program approved by the Committee,
(d) Submit proposals to the committee, that have to be approved by the committee,
(e) To carry out such other functions as prescribed.

Mr. Prajapati Dahal
Executive Director

Mr. Sanjay Baral
Information Officer
Offences and Punishments
If a person commits the following offence by doing any act in contravention of the Act or the Rules framed under this Act, the Board may punish such person as follows:
• In the case of demolishing disordering, or other use causing loss or damage to, any structure, installation of the offence, along with recovery of the loss and to Fifty Thousand Rupees given the magnitude infrastructure relatin g to the service, a fine of up damage so caused,
• degree of the offence, up to Twenty Five Thousand Rupees given the health by ccontaminatingthe potable water, a fine of In the case of causing adverse effect to the public
• In the case of un-authoritatively using or misusing the service, a fine of up to Fifteen Thousand Rupees given the magnitude of the offence,
• In the case of disordering the service measuring equipment or similar other equipment or causing obstruction to the provision of the service, a fine of up to Ten Thousand Rupees given the magnitude of the offence,
• In the case of stealing, disordering, demolishing or destroying the pipeline installed to the service, a fine equal to the amount in question of the loss caused by such act, along with the recovery of such amount from that person, and if the offender is a user, stoppage or suspension of the service to such a user for up to Six months.
Executive Committee Members

Renu Dahal

Mr. Suman Kumar Shrestha

Sundar Subedi

Madan Krishna Ghimire

Ramgi Prasad Sapkota