Special Powers of the Board
• Power to borrow loan and obtain assistance: The Board may borrow loan or obtain assistance from any bank or financial institution with in Nepal or any foreign government, international organization, or body. Before borrowing a loan or obtaining assistance from a foreign government, international organization, or body, the Board shall obtain permission from the Government of Nepal.
• Power to invest: The Board may make investment of money in the fund taking into consideration the interests of users.
• Power to enter into house and land: The employee may enter into the house and land of the user by giving information thereof, accompanied by the reason, to the concerned person. Provided that, if there is any reasonable ground and reason to doubt that any person is misusing the service or using it in an unauthorized manner, it is not required to give information.
• Power to lay pipes in public or private buildings and land: The Board may lay pipelines or make other structures in any public or private building and land to provide the water supply or sanitation service to the users. If, in laying the pipelines or making other structures, any loss or damage is caused to the private building and land give reasonable compensation to the concerned building and land owner in consideration for such loss or damage as per prevailing laws
• Power to collect fees from service providers: The Board may collect fees as prescribed from the service providers operating the service within its geographical area.
• Power to suspend or terminate service: The Board or service provider, as the case may be, may suspend or terminate the service of any user who defaults on payment of the tariff fixed.
• Power to form sub-committee: The Board may form subcommittees, as required, comprising also of concerned experts related to various fields, service providers, and users for the smooth operation of the activities to be operated by it.
The functions, duties, and powers of the sub-committees formed and the facilities to be received by the members of the sub-committees shall be as prescribed.
• Power to frame Rules: The Board may frame necessary Rules, and such Rules shall come into force after being approved by the Government of Nepal.
• Power to frame and enforce directives: The Board may frame and enforce necessary directives.

Mr. Prajapati Dahal
Executive Director

Mr. Sanjay Baral
Information Officer
Formation of Executive Committee
Fund and Audit of the Board
The Executive Committee of the BWSMB consists of the following members:
Mayor of the Bharatpur Metropolitan City | Member |
Representative, Ministry of Federal Water Supply | Member |
Chairperson of the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Member |
Chairperson of the local users' committee | Member |
One person nominated by the Committee from amongst the local non-governmental organizations engaged in the field of water supply or sanitation service | Member |
One person nominated by the Committee from amongst the experts in the field of water supply or sanitation service |
Member |
The tenure of the member nominated shall be of four years. The member selected by the members of the Committee from amongst them selves shall be the chairperson. The member of the Committee shall take an oath in the format as set forth in the Schedule, prior to assuming his or her office. The Executive Director shall act as the secretary of the Committee.
There shall be a separate fund of the Board. It consists of the following amounts:
• Amounts received from the Government of Nepal,
• Amounts received in the form of loan, grant or assistance from any foreign government or international organization or body,
• Amounts received in consideration for providing the service system to the ser vice providers,
• Amounts received as licensee fees from the service providers,
• Amounts paid as tariff by the customers,
All the expenses of the Board shall be borne out of the fund as Amounts received from any other source. The amounts credited into be the fund of the Board shall be deposited in an account to opened with any bank or financial institution with Nepal, and the operation of such an account shall be as prescribed.
User protection fund:
The Board shall establish a user protection fund, into which the amount received as fine by the Board shall be credited.
Accounts and audit:
The accounts of the Board shall be maintained in accordance w ith the prevailing laws. The Board shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, internal audit and internal control as prescribed. The audit of the accounts of the Board shall be carried out by the auditor appointed by the Committee. The Government of Nepal may, if it so wishes, examine, or cause to be examined, the accounts of the Board and docum ents relating thereto, at any time.
Transfer of right relating to use and distribution of water
If the service system operated and managed by the Nepal Water Supply Corporation is transferred to the Board, the Board shall have the right over all sources of the water used by the Corporation for the provision of the service. In relation to the laying of pipes in any public or personal land and house in the course of using, operating and repairing or maintaining or rehabilitating the service system transferred from the Corporation, relation to the reconstructing or rehabilitating of the structures, the Board shall have the same powers as the Corporation has.
Executive Committee Members

Renu Dahal

Mr. Suman Kumar Shrestha

Sundar Subedi

Madan Krishna Ghimire

Ramgi Prasad Sapkota